
How to Rank Informational & Product Pages On The Same Keyword?

2 min read

In 2023, SEO isn’t just a service you offer; it’s necessary for every website striving to thrive and excel.

Modern consumers turn to search engines for everything from restaurant recommendations to finding B2B software providers. Regardless of your business’s offerings, your target audience is likely searching for the same products or services on platforms like Google. To ensure that people find their way to your website, you must embrace the power of search engine optimization (SEO).

SEO plays a role in enhancing your online visibility. The more visitors you attract to your website, the higher your online traffic will increase your chances of successfully selling products or services to a broader audience.

The approach goes beyond standard web page optimization when optimizing your product pages. Here are some tips and tactics that can help you boost visibility and drive more product sales when you attract the right audience:

1. Analyze Your Page Performance

Before making any changes to your existing product pages, assessing their performance and identifying strengths and weaknesses is essential. Start by identifying which pages rank in the top positions in search results. You can utilize tools like SpyFu, SERanking, Semrush, or Ahrefs to discover what pages rank for your target keywords. These tools offer invaluable insights into keyword research and competitive intelligence, helping you enhance your online search performance.

2. Understand Customer Intent and Page Purpose

Once you have a list of target keywords, it’s time to delve deeper. Understand the kind of content that ranks for these keywords to grasp Google’s perception of user intent. Simplifying intent into two primary categories, “buy” and “know,” can be helpful. For instance, if your target keyword is “vintage mirrors,” Google perceives that searchers want to purchase or seek information about them. Tailor your product page content accordingly to align with the identified intent.

3. Keep Your Content Fresh

Creating content isn’t a one-and-done task; it’s an ongoing process. Just as a wise king must continuously adapt and evolve to rule effectively, your content needs regular updates and refinements to remain competitive. If top-ranking pages have more extended word counts and serve an “informational” intent, be creative with your product page content to meet those standards.

4. Embrace Strategic Link Building

Link building remains a game-changer in the world of SEO. Consider offering unique and attention-grabbing products or services to attract links and generate buzz for your brand. This approach can appeal to a broad audience, transcending traditional demographics. When implementing link building, use optimized anchor text, incorporating relevant keywords when linking to internal pages. Ensure that the anchor text used for your product page doesn’t overlap with the anchor text on your glossary article. Additionally, consider linking your product page within your glossary entry, using optimized anchor text to enhance your SEO efforts.

In the ever-evolving digital landscape of 2023, SEO is not just a service but a fundamental strategy for website success. Following these updated tactics and adapting to industry changes can enhance online visibility and drive conversions for your products or services.

Source – Search engine journal