Ans: Yes, if required we will first confirm the articles with you and only then submit the same to the directories.
Ans: Yes, if required we will first confirm the articles with you and only then submit the same to the directories.
Ans: Yes 100%, If you find any property missing, we will replace them for free anytime. Just drop a PM.
Ans: Yes 100% upfront Payment.
Ans: Follow the “Click here to Order Now” button. Then, you will be automatically re-directed to the Wufoo Form to fill the details, It will redirect you to payment page.
Ans: You can provide Total 14-15 Keywords (3 Main keywords, 10 LSI Keywords/Generic keywords and Naked URL). We do use some generic keywords if you don’t provide generic keywords. It works after penguin update.
We will build 15% Links to main keywords and 85% links to other keywords to get best benefit after FRED update.
Ans:It depends upon the package. You can check FAQ of individual package.
Ans: It depends upon the package. You can check FAQ of individual package.
Ans: Yes, We accept Non English keywords as well. It works like a charm.
Ans: Yes, We accept all kind of niches for link building.