
Transformative SEO Tactics With These 5 Steps to Amplify Your ROI

2 min read

Since search engine algorithms and guidelines constantly evolve, how can you make sure that your SEO strategy continues to outperform your rivals?

In 2023, how can ROI be increased and organic search results be improved?

Prioritizing your SEO efforts for the best results while keeping the SEO fundamentals at the center of your strategy is essential.

In online shopping? Setting priorities is even more critical.


Earnshaw and Moule provided guidance on prioritizing and remaining focused to optimize the return on investment (ROI) of your SEO strategy.
This is a synopsis of the webinar. Fill out the form to gain access to the complete presentation.

How do you stay on top of the latest changes and the ever-evolving rules?

Start with a solid SEO foundation and adhere to these five tactics.


1. Determine Trends in Seasonal Keyword Searches


You can make sure your content is ready and optimized at the perfect time by looking for reoccurring search trends and identifying significant peaks.
How to Recognize Trends in Seasonal Keyword Searches

Here are five strategies to ensure that your SEO approach continues to outrank popular searches:

Sort your search terms into categories corresponding to your website’s sections and subsections.
Track data on cooperative search volume over time (three years is the recommended minimum).
Determine and record highs and lows.
Schedule the release of your content well in advance of the peak.
Distribute this information to the product and merchandising teams, among other teams within the company.


2. Locate and Profit From Low-Hanging Fruit


Give high-ROI and low-effort opportunities priority to identify low-hanging fruit:

Examine the overall rankings of terms in a given category.
Determine your revenue-generating areas, opportunities, and industry/competitor benchmarks.
Look for content on pages two and three, then research possible ways to improve it to appear in the conversion zones.
Inform the company of the anticipated revenue impact of the changes.


3. Seize All Available Chances From The Complete SERP


Look at the SERPs and see if you belong there before wondering how to get to the first page or why your ranking dropped.

A mismatch in intent between your particular offering and the current landscape may cause the problem. Try focusing your search and looking into alternative options.

The SERP offers solutions as well as chances.

Examine your performance in terms of terms.
Examine your performance in the refined doorway SERPs against that of your rivals.
Seek out chances that lie beyond SERP Zero.
Make your photos as good as possible.
Possess the Answer Box and a traditional link to go with it.


4. Make Your Content Informational Search Engine Friendly


Conversational search is becoming more common as artificial intelligence grows, which leads to informational searches.

The environment for searches is constantly changing. Observing these changes lets you detect shifting trends, new priorities, and intent shifts.
Optimizing your content is essential to control the Answer Card and generate high-quality signals.

Studies show that sending users to informative content—particularly when it answers their queries with features like “People Also Ask”—increases average order values, boosts conversion rates, and encourages more visits.

This strategy aids users in finding solutions and establishing confidence, which advances your business goals.


5. Determine and Boost Your Value Share


The “share of value” metric is a valuable tool for explaining the results of your SEO efforts.
Utilize tools to examine the visibility of different websites across thousands of pertinent keywords to calculate the share of value.

Next, add commercial value to these visibility scores by superimposing metrics like CPC rates, average order value, and conversion rates.

Evaluate your overall online presence in the search engine results and about specific categories and subcategories. You can use this analysis to determine where you perform better or worse than your rivals.

If you still need help understanding everything, look at our monthly SEO packages and let the professionals assist you.

Shilpi Mathur